About Us

horse in stable

We are a 100% volunteer organization.

Many of our horses are found through Good Samaritans who give us a call. Others are referred by law enforcement or animal control units. Still others come to us because their owners can no longer take care of them–because of financial hardship or physical difficulty. We also lend a hand to other horse rescues in north Florida and south Georgia. If they have too many horses, then we sometimes take on a special case.

The specific purpose of Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation Ranch (Triple R), Inc. is to provide a program of horse rescue for physically or psychologically abused, neglected, troubled, or abandoned equines and to provide rehabilitation, retraining, and placement, where indicated, or retirement within an environment of physical well-being and trust.

In support of these efforts Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation Ranch, Inc. will employ and promote natural horse keeping and training methods. Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation, Inc. seeks to increase beneficial human and equine relationships through animal/human interaction and education.

For more information please give us a call at 850-933-2704 or 231-557-6951.